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Pet Honesty Pet Honesty
Pit Stop: Addressing Allergy Issues in American Pit Bull Terriers

Pit Stop: Addressing Allergy Issues in American Pit Bull Terriers

Pet Honesty • 05 August 2024
American Pit Bull Terriers (APBTs) are beloved companions, known for their loyalty and affectionate nature. However, many APBT owners face the challenge of allergy issues, which can impact their dog's quality of life. Allergies can cause discomfort, anxiety, and even lead to secondary infections, making it crucial to understand and address them.
The Allergy Epidemic in APBTs
Allergies are a common issue in APBTs, with environmental, food, flea, and contact allergies being the most prevalent. These allergies can manifest in various ways, including skin issues, ear infections, and digestive problems.
Uncovering the Culprits
  • Environmental allergens like pollen, dust, and grass
  • Food ingredients like beef, dairy, and wheat
  • Flea bites and flea allergy dermatitis
  • Contact allergens like collars, bedding, and shampoos
Soothing the Itch
  • Consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment
  • Implement dietary changes and restrictions
  • Use medicated shampoos and conditioners
  • Apply topical treatments and creams
  • Consider immunotherapy or allergy shots
Chewing Away Allergy Woes with Pet Honesty
Pet Honesty's Allergy Support chews offer a natural solution to alleviate allergy symptoms in APBTs. These tasty chews combine powerful ingredients like Omega-3 fatty acids, Turmeric, and Quercetin to soothe and calm the skin, reduce inflammation, and support immune function. By adding Pet Honesty's Allergy Support chews to your APBT's daily routine, you can help minimize allergy issues and promote a more comfortable, happy life for your furry friend.


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