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Pet Honesty Pet Honesty
Choosing The Best Dog Flea And Tick Defense

Choosing The Best Dog Flea And Tick Defense

camille arneberg • 05 July 2023

If you have a dog, you’ve probably stressed about fleas a time or ten. As a pet parent, it’s one of our biggest fears. Those teeny, tiny pests are so small, but can cause serious issues for both you and your pet! But, it’s not just fleas you need to worry about. Ticks are a big problem for pets as well, so here are some tips to help you choose the best flea and tick defense to protect your pet. 

Know When To Protect Your Pet 

Both fleas and ticks thrive in warmer weather, which is why pet parents become extra concerned about these pests come spring and warmer weather. Flea season tends to taper off toward the end of summer, but ticks can stick around well into fall. It’s best to be vigilant from about April to November to best support your pet. Discuss flea and tick season with your Vet to get a recommendation about when you should be on watch and protecting your pet. 

Why You Should Flee From Fleas

Fleas, for the most part, are pests. They won’t seriously harm your dog, as long as you treat Fido in a timely manner. Fleas are more annoying than anything else and they can make your pet incredibly itchy. If your dog goes to town scratching, gnawing, and clawing at himself to find relief, he might hurt himself in the process, which is one of the ways fleas can cause harm. 

Another reason to dislike fleas: they can affect us humans, too. If your dog has fleas, chances are, he’ll pass them on to you, too. Just like with our furry friends, they won’t cause us much harm if treated quickly. But they can be extremely uncomfortable thanks to the itchy, red bites they leave behind. 

The real concern with fleas is just how easily they can spread. They multiply like crazy and spread like wildfire. It’s tough to get everything completely flea-free, so it can take a while to get a flea infestation under control. 

Why Ticks Are Trouble

Ticks can carry some pretty awful disease and then infect your pet. Lymes Disease is a tick-transmitted disease that can affect your dog’s health for years to come. But, that’s not the only disease ticks can carry. They may also transmit illnesses like Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, Bartonellosis, and Hepatozoonosis, all of which come with side effects that can make your pet seriously sick. 

Ticks are parasites that attach themselves to a host body—your dog. While it’s pretty easy to spot a tick if it finds its way onto your body, they’re much harder to spot on your dog. Fido is covered in fur. Not to mention he has floppy ears, a bushy tail and is wiggling and wagging all over the place, which only makes it more tricky to search for ticks. 

What’s The Best Dog Flea And Tick Prevention?

There are so many flea and tick products on the market it can be overwhelming to sift through and choose the best dog flea and tick defense. But, you don’t need to slather your dog in tick medicine or give him pharmaceuticals. You can help protect your pet from fleas and ticks naturally. Here are some ideas to try:

Shape Up Your Yard & Clean Your House

If your yard is an inviting place for ticks to make their home, you’ll likely run into issues. Instead, do what you can to make your yard a place ticks will not want to hang out. Keep your lawn trim and well-watered. Don’t leave piles of debris, leaves, or wood lying around. Avoid using wood chips in your landscaping and keep a close on your dog anytime he’s out and about in your yard to make sure he’s not wandering through tall brush or wooded areas.

To help prevent fleas from becoming a problem, keep your house clean. Take ‘spring cleaning’ to heart and go to town. Sweep and vacuum every nook and cranny and wash all the fabric in  your home. This includes curtains, sheets, dogs beds, and everything in between. Make sure you don’t miss any area a flea might like to live in and keep your home in tip-top shape throughout flea and tick season. 

Adjust Your Dog’s Diet

The best defense against fleas and ticks is a healthy dog. Support your pet and all his nutritional needs so that he’s as healthy as possible throughout flea and tick season. This way, if he does happen to catch fleas or get bitten by a tick, his body will be strong enough to help him recover quickly. Choose a diet that’s full of animal protein, fiber, fat, and plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies. Look for a diet that contains real, whole foods and that contains all the vitamins, minerals, and other healthy compounds your dog needs on a daily basis.  

Turn To Supplements For Help

When you’re looking for the best dog flea and tick defense, consider repelling the pests from the inside out. Sure, there are lots of chemical compounds and pharmaceuticals that can be applied topically and are effective repellents. But, there are some key ingredients you can add to your dog’s diet that are just as effective when it comes to repelling pests. Here are some flea and tick supplements to consider: 

  • Immune System Support: Help your pet maintain a strong immune system to keep him healthy even after he’s been bitten by fleas or a tick. Choose a supplement that’s packed with antioxidants that will fight free radicals, toxins, disease, and other harmful compounds that could compromise your dog and his health. 

  • Choose Brewer’s Yeast: It’s not just a trendy topping that people are adding to their cooking. Brewer’s Yeast is also a natural pest repellent. Adding a supplement or chew that contains brewer’s yeast to your dog’s diet can help keep fleas and ticks at bay. Plus, your pup will most likely love the taste! 

  • Go For Garlic: While garlic is said to be toxic to dogs by some, in reality, it’s perfectly safe for your pet to consume small amounts of garlic. And, it’s a natural flea and tick repellent. Adding a touch of garlic to your dog’s diet will help keep both pests at bay. Plus, bonus, it can also be beneficial if your pet’s not feeling his best.

  • Add B-Vitamins to His Diet: Whether your dog consumes plenty of B-vitamins through his food, or you choose to add a B-complex to his diet in supplement form, the vitamins can help naturally repel fleas and ticks. They help

  • Flaxseed Helps Keep Fleas At Bay: It’s an effective repellent that’s also incredibly healthy! Add flaxseed to your dog’s diet, drizzle some flaxseed oil onto his food, or feed him a chew that’s baked with this ingredient to help prevent fleas and ticks from bothering your dog. 

Pethonesty Products That Can Help Repel Fleas & Ticks

Interested in flea & tick support supplements for your dog? The good news is, we’ll be releasing a new chew oh-so-soon that’s formulated to help protect your dog from pests. Stay tuned for all the details! 

Until then, help keep your dog healthy this flea & tick season by supporting a strong immune system. Make Pethonesty Allergy Support Chews an everyday staple in your home. They’re jam-packed with supportive nutrients that will give your pet’s immune system the strength it needs to keep him healthy. And, don’t forget about your dog’s gut. Add Digestive Probiotics Chews to his diet, too. The majority of his immune system lives in his digestive tract, so it’s important to support digestive health if you want to keep your dog’s immune system strong! 



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